Monday 25 November 2013

Examples And Cases Of Lumps Under The Scrotal Skin In Males

Most of the time, lumps under the skin in adults are just cases of pores being blocked by oil. Thus they are harmless and non infectious. At other times they are also harmless bumps under skin which go away with time or are hereditary. However, there are times when these lumps are symptoms of a serious underlying problem. While many women are usually concerned with such lumps when they occur in the breast area, men should be on the lookout for suspicious masses and lumps around their genitals. This article will highlight some of the common lumps under the skin in the scrotum region.

A scrotal lump refers to any mass under the sac that houses the testicles. There are two kinds of such scrotum bumps; the benign and the malignant lumps. A benign lump refers to a lump under the skin of the
Lumps Under The Skin
scrotum that is not cancerous. On the other hand, a malignant mass is cancerous. According to the UK research center for cancer, less than four in 100 scrotum bumps are cancerous. However, you should still see your doctor for diagnosis and to understand your condition. There are four categories of scrotal lumps under skin.

· Hydrocele: This is a lump caused by fluid gathering up in the scrotum. However, if the fluid is blood then this lump is called a hematocele.

· Varicocele: This is a lump under the skin caused by a dilated blood vessel on the scrotum

· Testicular torsion: This is a swelling that comes about when either of the testicles becomes twisted cutting off blood supply. It is painful and requires immediate doctor attention.

· Epididymal cyst: This is a lump in the scrotum caused when a fluid collects up in the epididymis. If the fluid has sperms in it then this lump is referred to as a spermatocele.

There are several causes of scrotal lumps under skin. The varicoceles for example are a case of varicose veins developing in the scrotum. Varicose veins develop either due to a blockage in the veins or when the valves in the scrotum veins malfunction. All these cause inefficient blood flow which gathers in the scrotum
Lumps Under Skin
causing swelling. In the case of hydroceles, the passage through which testes pass down from the stomach to the scrotum during infant development may not close at birth. This allows fluids to pass from the stomach into the testes sac causing swelling. In most infant cases, the fluid is usually absorbed by the surrounding tissue and thus the mass disappears in a year or two. In adults, hydroceles could also be caused by inflammation as a result of injury, infection or a tumor.

The cause of epididymal cysts is not yet known. On the other hand, there are several causes of testicular torsion. Most of the time bumps under skin caused this way result from a very loose spermatic cord. This causes the testicles to move too much increasing the risk of twisting. An accident and injury are also other causes. This disease affects mostly young men from 13 to 17 and requires immediate medical attention or the testicle whose blood supply is cut off will die.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Look Out For The Early Signs Of Melanoma

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can be treated successfully when discovered early enough. This cancer develops in melanocytes which produce melanin-a pigment that causes the skin to darken due to sun exposure. Melanoma can spread to other areas in the body leading to serious illnesses and sometimes death. Many patients are known to experience the early signs of melanoma but mistake them for another skin condition. If the cancer is detected early enough then it can be cured by surgery.

Melanoma can occur at any age even though statistics show that it is rare among kids and teenagers. Studies have shown that melanoma occurs because of excessive exposure to the UV in sunlight. People with fair skin
Symptoms Of Melanoma
or anyone with severe sun burns or a family history of melanoma, are at risk of developing this condition. However, the symptoms of melanoma may be seen in areas that are not exposed to the UV radiation like the fingernails, vagina, eye and mouth. If it is not treated it spreads quickly to other areas of the body through the lymphatic system or bloodstream.

One of the early signs of melanoma is the appearance of a new mole or freckle or when the existing ones suddenly change like becoming an itchy mole. For men, melanomas are likely to occur on the back and for women; they are likely to occur on the leg. If you witness any change in an existing mole or freckle its best to consult your doctor. The doctor will check to see if the mole is not symmetrical or has an irregular border and whether there are any variations in color.

So what does melanoma look like? Melanomas can be of irregular shape, varying color and a diameter that is more than 7mm. Other symptoms of melanoma are inflammation, oozing, change in sensation of the lesion or an itchy mole.

The process of diagnosing melanoma can be somewhat difficult. The symptoms of this condition are not always obvious which is why you must consult your doctor whenever you see a suspicious mole or freckle on your skin. If the lesion is suspected to be cancerous then it is going to be surgically removed and then sent to the laboratory for further tests. Diagnosis of melanoma can be done through a skin biopsy. In this case, the
Diagnosis Of Melanoma
doctor will remove tissue from the skin and then examine it under a microscope. The dermatopathologist will evaluate and make the diagnosis of melanoma once the lesion has been removed. After the detailed evaluation is done, the specialist will release a pathology report which is given to the doctor who will determine the best treatment for melanoma.

Another method used to diagnose melanoma involves examination of the lymph nodes. This will be done if the physician suspects that the melanocytes have travelled beyond the initial stage. The doctor will examine the sentinel node and if any melanoma cells are present in this area, the patient will have to undergo a second surgery so that it is removed. These examinations will also help to determine how much the melanoma has spread.

Hopefully you now know the answer to the question ‘What does melanoma look like?’ Since you can answer this question now, evaluate your situation and seek medical advice immediately.

Monday 7 October 2013

Understanding The Different Types Of Irregular Moles And When To Seek Treatment

Moles are likely to appear on the skin from early childhood until late adulthood. Most people are concerned about these moles because they tend to have an unsightly appearance. However, there are some suspicious

looking irregular moles that may be a cause of concern. There are certain symptoms that show when you
Irregular Moles
have cancerous moles. It is always best to approach a physician in case the mole starts to crack, bleed or become itchy and painful.

Moles are normal skin conditions and come in different sizes, shapes and colors. Some moles may even come and disappear with time without having to seek treatment. You can also find hair growing on a raised mole. When you approach the physician, the necessary tests will be conducted to ensure that the mole is not cancerous.

Moles can be defined as a group of cells (melanocytes) which grow together as a group over the skin. They form a specific pigment which adds color to the skin and will soon darken when exposed to sunlight or during pregnancy. A raised mole can occur anywhere on the skin but the most common areas are the hands, neck, face, back and ears, that is, areas which are mostly exposed to the sun.

Moles can appear after birth, and when they do they are referred to as congenital nevi or birth moles. Even though the condition is uncommon, these moles are more likely to develop into cancer, melanoma compared to other moles. The others which are likely to be cancerous moles are the ones which develop after the age of 20. Moles can cause no issue unless they start showing some significant changes.

When should you be worried about a mole? The most suspicious moles appear different in terms of color, size and shape. In many cases, moles are hereditary and are passed from one generation to the other. The

inherited moles can also be referred to as atypical nevi. Atypical moles should be a cause of concern because they are likely to develop into melanoma skin cancer. These moles are larger than average and some of them even have irregular shapes and colors. In case you experience any of these atypical moles then approach a skin specialist immediately. If you experience a painful mole, always visit a physician to determine whether there is an underlying issue.

Moles can be removed due to cosmetic reasons. The cosmetic procedure of removing moles is simple and
Irregular Moles
painless provided you seek the services of a reliable skin specialist. It is a quick solution to deal with normal moles and the patient is given a local anesthetic. In case it is a painful mole, the skin specialist will remove a segment in order to take it for further examination or biopsy. In case the mole is found to be cancerous then it should be removed completely by cutting it out and closing the wound.

There are also ways to prevent moles from forming on your skin. For a start, you need to limit sun exposure. Make sure you use sun block whenever you step outside. You also need to avoid sunburns as they can worsen moles on your skin. Most importantly, remember to visit a skin specialist if you begin to experience irregular moles on your skin. You may be having a serious underlying condition.