Tuesday 7 January 2014

Types and Symptoms of Skin Cancer

Signs of skin cancer
The skin is the body’s largest organ. Like many other body organs it is susceptible to cancer. This kind of cancer affects skin that is exposed to the sun most of the time. This means the backs of hands, neck, arms, face (including mouth, lips and nose), lower legs and a bald scalp are common areas affected. On the other hand, the genital areas, feet soles and nail bed are areas rarely affected by skin cancer. There are three main types of skin cancers. These are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Aside from these common ones there are other rarer kinds of skin cancers and pre cancers like Actinic Keratosis. This article will look at skin cancer signs and their types.

Actinic Keratosis

This is also referred to as pre cancer or solar keratosis. This precedes the onset of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Skin cancer symptoms of this condition include reddened, rough and irregular patches with a scaly feature. They have a stinging sensation and usually occur in multiple patches.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)

This is the second most common skin cancer. It usually stems from skin affected by Actinic Keratosis. At other times it may happen on parts of the skin affected by irradiation and burns. Its common appearance is that of a red toned nodule with a crusty or scaly surface. It could also start as an ulcer in the skin. In advanced cases they bleed and ulcerate. The skin cancer symptoms for SCC are minimal. Itching is an uncommon symptom. Any non-healing ulcer or growth should be seen by a dermatologist to rule out an SC, as, left untreated it will spread to other organs and grow deep towards the bones.

Basal cell carcinoma

This is the most common kind of skin cancer. Signs of skin cancer for this type are difficult to spot, as early lesions are usually mistaken for a pimple or spot. It develops slowly and like SCC it usually affects areas of the skin over exposed to the sun. There are three forms of BCC. There is the nodular BCC which presents as a smooth/ shiny growth with visible/ prominent blood vessels.  There is also the superficial BCC which features a red patch with scales. Lastly, you could have sclerosing BCC which can be mistaken for a scar. Other skin cancer signs include a pimple that does not fade or clear, patches of skin growths either pink or reddish that bleed easily and are usually scaly, and non-healing ulcers.


Melanoma symptoms
Melanoma symptoms can develop anywhere on the body though skin exposed to the sun is more susceptible. It can develop as a new lesion or come from an existing mole. Recent growth or colour change in a mole is the most worrying of melanoma symptoms which also include- itching/ bleeding moles & variation in color within a mole. Common signs of skin cancer for melanoma include pain and itching sensations on the skin and growth of moles. A bleeding mole can occur simply due to trauma. So if this is a temporary phenomenon lasting 7-10 days, this is usually harmless. Melanoma is not as common, but is the most fatal of the three skin cancers.